1·In the 1920s, a paleontologist discovered the fossil remains of a small dinosaur near a nest containing eggs.
2·Horner, a paleontologist at Montana State University, suspects the remains of Nanotyrranus may belong to a young Tyrannosaurus rex.
3·Barosaurus was named by a paleontologist in 1890.
4·I love science and want to be a Paleontologist.
5·Paul C. Sereno, a paleontologist at the University of Chicago, has fun naming the fossil crocodiles he dug up from the Sahara.
6·Paul Sereno, a paleontologist at the University of Chicago, adding the toe claw to the skeleton of the new tyrannosaur Raptorex.
芝加哥大学古生物学家Paul Sereno正在给新发现的Raptorex暴龙的骨架上摆上脚爪。
7·"Other birds have weapons, but this is unlike any other," said Nicholas r. Longrich, a paleontologist at Yale and the study's lead author.
“其他鸟类也有武器,但是这种鸟和其他任何鸟类都不一样。”耶鲁大学古生物学者尼可拉斯•隆里奇(Nicholas r . Longrich)博士说,尼可拉斯•隆里奇博士是这项研究的领头人。
8·"It 's fabulous to be able to see this dinosaur which lived as the age of dinosaurs came to a close," said Paul, a paleontologist at the university of Chicago.
9·Perhaps you have a burning question for a paleontologist. Perhaps you're considering a career change and want to talk first-hand to a photographer or landscape designer.
10·Yet Hans Sues, a paleontologist at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., cautioned in an email that it's too early to say if the skull is indeed the largest.
不过一位来自华盛顿国家自然历史博物馆(the National Museum of Natural History)的古生物学家,汉斯·苏伊士(Hans Sues)在一封电子邮件中提醒说,现在就断定该颅骨是世界上最大的一具还为时过早。